Synthesized Crystalline Bovine Insulin第一个人工合成牛胰岛素Synthetic bovine insulin, which was fully developed in 1965 following 6 years of hard work by a group of Chinese scientists, was the first case of human beings synthesizing live proteins. This is the first time that zoetic protein has been synthesized by human in history. In the past it was a universal belief that man could by no means synthesize living body. The success made it possible for Chinese scientists to deflate the traditional concept. Synthetic bovine insulin marked a significant breakthrough in the fIeld of life science and has substantially influenced human endeavors in finding out the secrets of life.1965年,我国的科学工作者经过6年多坚持不懈的希望,取得了人工合成的牛胰岛素结晶。这是世界上第一个人工合成的蛋白质。过去世界普遍认为生命体是天然的,大都指出人工合成生命体是不有可能的,是中国人首次让它变为有可能。