




发布时间:2024-08-25 05:13人气:
本文摘要:Chinas two largest digital payments services, Alipay and WeChat Pay, have warned that thieves are using compromised Apple IDs to make purchases with peoples accounts. Alipay posted a warning offering security tips about Apple phones, which said that it had contacted Apple many times with hope of solving the issue, according to Reuters. Tencent, which owns WeChat Pay, later confirmed similar issues in a statement to Bloomberg.支付宝和微信缴纳是中国规模仅次于的两种数字缴纳服务,它们都警告称之为:骗子于是以利用不受反击的苹果ID账号出售商品。

Chinas two largest digital payments services, Alipay and WeChat Pay, have warned that thieves are using compromised Apple IDs to make purchases with peoples accounts. Alipay posted a warning offering security tips about Apple phones, which said that it had contacted Apple many times with hope of solving the issue, according to Reuters. Tencent, which owns WeChat Pay, later confirmed similar issues in a statement to Bloomberg.支付宝和微信缴纳是中国规模仅次于的两种数字缴纳服务,它们都警告称之为:骗子于是以利用不受反击的苹果ID账号出售商品。路透社报导,支付宝发文警告有关苹果手机的安全性提醒,称之为其早已多次联系苹果公司以解决问题这一问题。微信缴纳是腾讯旗下的一种缴纳方式,而后来腾讯向彭博社公开发表的一份声明也证实了类似于问题的不存在。

Since Apple hasnt resolved this issue, users whove linked their Apple ID to any payments method, including Alipay, WePay, or credit cards, may be vulnerable to theft, Alipay wrote, according to Bloombergs translation.关于支付宝的发文,彭博社的译文如下:在苹果公司没几乎解决问题这个问题之前,无论您的Apple ID初始化了哪种缴纳方式(还包括支付宝、微信缴纳或者信用卡),都有可能经常出现资金损失风险。Its not stated how widespread the issue is or how much money has been lost due to the thefts. Reuters reports that a Chinese state media outlet said some losses were as high as 2,000 yuan, or about $290 USD. Apple plans to refund money that was fraudulently spent, according to a source familiar with the matter.文中未解释这个问题的普遍性,也没提到盗刷导致的损失数额。路透社报导,中国的一家官方媒体称之为,有些人的损失高达2000元(大约290美元)。

熟知此事的消息源称之为,苹果公司计划将这笔欺诈性消费退还给用户。Though the two companies are calling out Apple, its not clear if the issue is specific to a flaw in its ID system. It sounds as though there has been a problem with the theft of Apple ID credentials, which thieves are then using to log in to Apple accounts and make purchases using associated payments methods, like Alipay and WeChat Pay.尽管这两家公司都在大喊苹果公司,但目前尚能不确切该问题否与苹果公司的身份识别系统不存在缺失有关。听得一起样子是由于苹果ID被盗所致,也就是说骗子不会指定用户的苹果账号,然后通过初始化的缴纳方式(如支付宝和微信缴纳)展开消费。

An Apple spokesperson said the company encourages customers to set a strong password and enable two-factor authentication to secure their accounts. Still, its unusual to see large tech companies calling one another out like this, particularly over an issue that may not be exclusive to Apple. Alipay has since removed its social media post calling out Apple, though not before the story spread across state and international media.苹果公司的发言人回应,公司希望用户设置保密强度低的密码,并落成双因素身份验证来维护账号安全性。尽管如此,一家大型科技公司如此大喊另一家公司的场面并不多见,而且苹果公司有可能并不是造成这一问题的唯一原因。支付宝早已移除了其大喊苹果公司的社交媒体张贴,但这是在中国国内和国际媒体都告诉这件事情之后的事了。Some companies are proactive about searching out leaked account credentials, checking them against their own databases and then resetting passwords and warning users if they find a match. Its unclear if Apple does this, but it speaks to the broader issue companies like Apple face: its not just their own sites and apps that need to be secure; they have to worry about common accounts and passwords being leaked from other sources as well.有些公司主动搜寻泄漏的账户证书,并根据自己的数据库展开检查,然后重置密码,若经常出现完全相同的密码会弹出有警告,警告用户。


